Ryota's Old Daybook: Language Arts & Basic English
The trouble with this system
is that you may send short, one-line, notes only.
It's a telephone with radio connetion.
The machine is an F900iC by NTT DoCoMo.
This is a test of sending a note from a talking machine.
Yuzuru's Daybook
I have been hoping, secretly, that Mr. Katagiri would someday, like me, make his online daybook and give out his day-to-day experience and opinions to young online readers, without going through business of having books and newsletters printed and taking them to bookstores.
If we make a comparison, printed writings are like recorded music, and online writings are more like radio music, played on air. It's not a question of which is better or which is worse. Business of making books and newsletters has its special value; exchange of words online has another. Yuzurusan, or Mr. Katagiri, has been a noted writer/producer in Japan for a long time, but I've been certain that he is good at the other way of exchange, and his work online will make the Internet less strange, more natural and down-to-earth.
Now my secret hope has come true. You will see his Japanese web-log: Yuzuru's Daybook.
My opinion about his old online pages is here:
Ogden gave, in the book named
Brighter Basic, an account of a strange language
game named Gagagram. [
Game is a sort of play with rules. It's not a Basic word.] It's for having a good time and for training the sense of language structure.
The rule of the play is simple: Put a statement on a paper and make its word-order into something which is not possible. The point is that you have to put all the word in an order which is NOT possible.
"I am a cat," for example, may be changed into a form like this: "Am cat I a" or "A I cat am" or "A am cat I" or "Cat am a I." If any two words of it are put in a possible order, it will not be a Gagagram.
Open House
Yesterday was our open house day. Please see my account.
It's a short word. It's in every boy or girl's knowledge. You may come across it in most of starter-level school-books of English language. But, strangely, it's not on Ogden's list of 850 Basic words. Why not? Because other words on the list do the work.
"Zoo" is short for "zoological garden," or "garden of zoology." "Zo" came into English from a Greek word for "animal," and "ology" is from a Greek for "science." So "zoology" is animal science.
If you are Japanese, you will see that "zo" is like the old Chinese letter "ju" [獣] for "animal."
Anyway, zoological garden is "garden of animal science." If it's a public garden chiefly for amusement, it will be all right to put "science" away from its name. So "zoo" in Basic English will be
animal garden.
The Basic English Society, Japan
Churchill's days as head of the British government came to an end in 1945, and K. E. Garay says that their interest in Basic English, in addition, came to an end. The political group who took power in Britain was more intested in works inside of their country.
The US govenment did their work on Basic and, with some more words, they made a start of VOA radio program in Speical English. It was their development out of Basic.
Basic was no more a strong international force, but it kept on living in different countries on the face of the earth. A group of teachers have had meetings over and over, working on Basic, in Japan. They have been giving out newsletters which have papers and stories on and in Basic. They are
THE Basic English Society.
기초 영어 or Baza Angla. If you have knowledge of 850 English words, you may have a good time reading this daybook, Ryota's day-to-day notes, in Basic English, for college-level learners of English as a second or overseas language. Notes are generally on English or other languages, American or other writers or writings, and music or motion pictures based on those writings.