Ryota's Old Daybook: Language Arts & Basic English
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If you are going to put a bookmark, or make a link, to this Daybook, please take note that a new writing may be put at the top almost every day, and that the older writings go down. That's the way this sort of online daybook goes. You may always see something different every day if you get here through the bookmark <http://ryotasan.blogspot.com/>.

If you have a desire to put a bookmark to one certain page, firt get the book on the side-bar. If you have come here, for example, through the linke "Bookmarking This Daybook" on the right side space of my Daybook, you will see, in the window over the page, the sign like this: <http://ryotasan.blogspot.com/2005/03/bookmarking-this-daybook.html>. That's the "permalink" or "permanent link" which will give a direction to this same writing for a very long time in the future. If you put a bookmark to that, you will be able to get here, always [all the time].


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기초 영어 or Baza Angla. If you have knowledge of 850 English words, you may have a good time reading this daybook, Ryota's day-to-day notes, in Basic English, for college-level learners of English as a second or overseas language. Notes are generally on English or other languages, American or other writers or writings, and music or motion pictures based on those writings.

About Me
Ryota Iijima
Ryota's Japanese Daybook
Ryota's Rooms
Fukushima University

About Basic English
Basic English

About Internet Words

What's New?
Basic English Writers' Japanese-English Wordbook
A Short Guide to Basic English
What Is "Basic"?
On Basic English: In German
GDM Discussion in Kyoto
Been Away, Will Be Back
The Bible in Basic English
What Is a Trackback?
Basic English Insititute
What Is a Comment?

What's Old
2005/03 | 2005/04 | 2005/05 | 2005/06 | 2005/07 | 2005/08 | 2005/09 | 2005/10 | 2005/11 | 2007/01 |

Bookmarks: English
Ryota's Top-Page
Mr. Ohyama in Basic
Basic English Institute

Bookmarks: Japanese
Yuzuru's Daybook
Mr. Katagiri's Pages
Mr. Ohyama on Basic
Basic English Discussion Group
GDM: Or, Richards-Gibson System

Bookmarks: German
On Basic English

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