Ryota's Old Daybook: Language Arts & Basic English
  Churchill and Empires of the Mind

Before writing about Empires of the Mind, the book, I will give some account of what "empires of the mind" they are first of all.

The name of the book comes from a public talk given in 1943 at Harvard University, Cambrdge, Massachusetts, US, by Winston S. Churchill: "The empires of the future are the empires of the mind."

Empire is government or nation ruling other nations or countries. Churchill was talking about UK and US, which, if they made use of Basic English, would make a good and kind empire with a common language, taking care of other countries. He said: "Let us go into this together."

History didn't go like the one hoped by him, and their radio stations didn't make use of Basic. And we would be still unhappy about empires even if they were only of the mind.

Dr. Koeneke's book is an attempt to take a detailed look back into Richards' work in China, how it was like and how it was different from Churchill's empire.

You may see Churchill's Harvard talk, the complete words of it, here:
The Churchill Center


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기초 영어 or Baza Angla. If you have knowledge of 850 English words, you may have a good time reading this daybook, Ryota's day-to-day notes, in Basic English, for college-level learners of English as a second or overseas language. Notes are generally on English or other languages, American or other writers or writings, and music or motion pictures based on those writings.

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