Ryota's Old Daybook: Language Arts & Basic English

The Earth is like a fruit with hard skin and very soft meat. The meat is like liquid, moving under the skin. The skin, or the great cover made of stone, sometimes makes a crack, sending out a shockwave. When the shockwave comes out to the face of the earth, it gives a shake. It's an earth-shock.

When an earth-shock gives a blow to the sea, a great amount of seawater goes away from the land. The water, before long, comes back, looking like a wall or mountain, running and rolling with great power. When it comes to the land with a crush, everything gets washed away. We have a history of deaths and wounds made by this sort of killer wave. Because Japan is a group of islands in the sea and frequently has an earth-shock, Japanese language has a special word for the killer wave: Tsunami. This word went overseas and now used in general, unlimited English.

This morning, the southwest part of Japan had an earth-shock. The good thing is that there were no killer waves this time.


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기초 영어 or Baza Angla. If you have knowledge of 850 English words, you may have a good time reading this daybook, Ryota's day-to-day notes, in Basic English, for college-level learners of English as a second or overseas language. Notes are generally on English or other languages, American or other writers or writings, and music or motion pictures based on those writings.

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